Nutrition and Lifestyle Modifications for Diabetes Patients

Diabetes patients can make a drastic impact on the advancement and development of their disease through nutrition and lifestyle modifications for diabetes. In a new study published in US Endocrinology, researchers examined the effectiveness of nutrition and lifestyle modifications in improving diabetes outcomes. One of their essential focuses was on the “ABCs” of diabetes management: A1c, blood pressure and cholesterol. Maintaining an A1c level of about 7%, keeping your blood pressure <140/90mmHg, and maintaining LDL at <100mg/dL (with no cardiovascular disease) and an LDL of <70mg/dL with any type of cardiovascular complications, are key proponents in diabetes management, which is not only the responsibility of the healthcare provider and the medications prescribed to maintain, but the individual themselves. To achieve any of these goals, however, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle and to eat properly throughout the day; this is easier said than done, which is essentially one of the major issues faced by healthcare providers today. Read full article here :