This ‘Healthy’ Food Swap You’ve Been Making May Actually Be Bad For You

Actually, when consumed in moderation, butter is actually pretty good for you. Research found butter fights cancer, reduces diabetes symptoms, is packed with vitamins that boost your immune system and keeps bones strong and teeth healthy. So, before you dump all your vegetable oil down the drain, let’s take a look at the research.

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Eating healthy fat presents in food like avocado’s and nuts is healthy for the body as it assists the body in the removal of cholesterol from the cell. Controlling and reducing cholesterol in our body is something very important for a proper and healthy lifestyle. However, nutrients counting in each type of food can be seen as an endless task where it can be inexact and downright tedious. To overcome such frustrating situations, DietSensor makes counting an easy process with the exact proportions of daily intake and at the same time an effective way to control obesity.


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