Motivational Tips 9 And 10: Use The Occasional Lack of Motivation To Your Advantage

In this series of posts about motivation, we’d already given you eight tips on how to get motivated and stay motivated. In today’s post, we’re breaking the top ten barrier by giving you two more tips that will help you stay excited as you reach your goal – no matter what that goal might be.

Motivational tip #9: Embrace the highs and the lows
Resistance is a good thing. No, really. In sailing, sailors use resistance (to wind) to enable a boat to actually sail faster than the speed of wind itself. In the same way, it’s natural for your motivational levels to ebb and flow. There will be highs and lows. During the lows, it’s easy to think that your motivation has completely disappeared. It hasn’t; it’s just resting a bit in order to recharge itself, which gives you the perfect opportunity to network with inspiring people chasing similar goals, or to reach out for support. If you continue your outreach, you’ll be in a better position when your motivation returns.

Motivational tip #10: the power of perseverance
Simple fact : those that reach their goals do so because they persevere. Those that don’t reach their goals are the ones who give up. Above all else, stick with it. Even if and when your motivation wanes, stick it out. Visualize your goal as being a long car ride. Dips in motivation are nothing more than little bumps in the road. They’re not roadblocks; they’re just dips that shake things up a little. If you were on a road trip, would you turn around every time you hit a speed bump? Same analogy. Ride out on the ebbs and surf with the flows, and we promise, you’ll reach your destination.

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