Get Motivated With Mantras

Getting fit and staying fit requires a certain amount of discipline. In the quest for fitness, many people focus on the obvious: nutrition, exercise and weight training, dieting – the usual suspects. One of the more overlooked aspects of getting fit is the mental component involved. Motivation is key is goals are to be reached, but for many, that’s easier said than done.

In today’s post, we’ll give you a tip or two on how not to shame spiral into anxiety-ridden, low self-worth, especially if you happen to miss a few workouts or get tempted by that cookie.

First know, you’re not alone. We live in a society that places tremendous value into fitness as well as thinness. The pressure to look a certain way affects most of us, to one degree or another. If we don’t feel that we match whatever ‘ideal’ is coveted – no matter how unrealistic that ideal might be – society quickly reminds us that we’re not living up expectations. Which leads to feelings of shame. And anxiety. And depression. And of not being in control. Need we go on?

To combat all of that negativity, you need to throw some positivity into the mix. One way to empower you with body good vibes is to rehearse and recite a mantra or affirmation. It might sound silly, or new-agey, or strange. But who cares, if it works? Here’s how and why it works :

When you recite inspiring words, or any other catchy phrase for that matter, it keeps you present and focused in the moment. Your brain has something to target, as your motivational mantra crowds out the negativity. And through repetition, the positive message is bound to sink it, eventually replacing the negative messages altogether.

Your mantra can be whatever you want it to be; as long as its resonates positively with you on a personal level, you’re gold.

One additional tip : pay careful attention to some of your wording which may unintentionally and subconsciously send you the wrong message. Words such as ‘I should’ (such as ‘I really should go for a run instead of sitting on this couch eating potato chips’) or ‘I have to’ have an inherent self-punishing aspect to them. If you find that these kinds of self-defeating words creep in, it’s time to use the power of distraction that will get you out of that negative head space. Speak with a friend, check out your social feeds, read a news article – virtually anything that will stop the shame game in its tracks.

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