DietSensor Nutritional Coach – Healthy Eating Made Easy

Achieving goals is easier when you have expert advise and guidance.  Many of us look to personalized support to help achieve our goals.

To lose weight or maintain healthy eating habits, many are turning to nutritional mobile application trackers.  DietSensor is one such application, and comes with unique nutritional coaching.  This coaching sets DietSensor apart from other calorie counting applications.

DietSensor’s nutritional coach is suitable for users who want to receive advice to support healthy eating habits that can help to effectively manage or prevent chronic disease (for example, diabetes, cardiovascular disease), get rid of extra pounds, or simply lead a healthier life.

Put simply, there is no other application that offers a nutrient program per meal tailored to your needs and goals and that takes into account your eating habits by measuring meals and helping adapt portions and composition, rather than imposing set menus.

“My favorite feature of the DietSensor app is the Nutritional Coach, which is great because it offers useful information.  It makes suggestions that are unique to my condition.  And, it also provides suggestions for alternative meals or how best to combine meals.”

“With DietSensor, there are two ways to scan your food. One way is with the SCiO food scanner.  The second is to simply use the DietSensor app with its food catalogue.  Both ways are equally helpful.  For homogenous foods, diabetics will want to use the scanner together with the app. They work great and the accuracy is phenomenal.  For non-homogenous foods, use the app and food catalogue.”

How Does It Work?

The coaching program has two sections. The first section consists of tools that enable you to log or modify food choices before eating. The second gives access to nutritional coaching in twelve sequences. The latter allows you to follow the twelve sequences at your own pace and determines how many calories you should burn to maintain a healthy weight.

Each sequence consists of 21 short ‘lessons.’ One lesson analyzes meals and provides useful tips that help you achieve your goals.  You can receive these tips every time you enter your meal.

The app simultaneously  acts like a nutritionist by accompanying you at every meal and providing a calorie counter.   There are several additional programs that encompass various goals including how to lose weight, manage your diet with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, etc.

“As for me, being a diabetic patient, weight loss diets were very complicated and time consuming, especially for the hypoglycemia caused by low calorie intake. The DietSensor Nutritional Coach allows me to stay on track and really succeed.  I’ve lost almost six pounds in a couple of weeks. Most importantly, I am eating healthy and keeping my blood sugar in balance.  I’m still learning new great features that the app senses as well.”

DietSensor is an innovative nutritional tracking tool for chronic disease management, weight loss, and overall health and wellness.   The solution comes with a mobile app and personalized coaching that helps individuals better manage their nutrition by providing accurate and easily accessible nutritional support.  With the mobile app and coach, you can create a personalized nutrition plan comprised of meal plans and targeted macro nutrient intake goals.

DietSensor connects to both the SCiO food scanner and Bluetooth digital scale, both optional devices.  The smart scale weighs food portions and sends the information directly to your mobile application for accurate food tracking.   With the pocketsize SCiO scanner, you can scan your food for accurate carbohydrate, protein, and lipid amounts.

DietSensor offers three plans:  Basic (free), Premium, and Ultimate.  Please visit our website to learn more:

Let DietSensor help you eat smart, and stay balanced!  Plan, scan, measure, and eat smart!

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