DietSensor Helps Those With Diabetes Count Carbs

Interview with Remy Bonnasse, Co-Founder of DietSensor.

The history of DietSensor is a personal one.  The 9-year old daughter of DietSensor’s Co-Founder, Remy Bonnasse, had developed type 1 diabetes.  Remy and his wife, Astrid, wanted to make her life as easy as possible.  Individuals suffering from type 1 diabetes need to control their blood sugar levels, so knowing the carbohydrate count of the food they eat is crucial.

Remy Bonnasse explaining the science behind DietSensor

DietSensor – A Carb Counting Solution

As a diabetic, managing your blood glucose levels is no easy task.  Remy worked with doctors and nutritionists to develop DietSensor.  DietSensor comes complete with a mobile app, a handheld SCiO food scanner, and a smart scale.

With the DietSensor solution, you can analyze and track the nutritional composition of your food.  And, the solution will provide guidance as to which foods that you are eating are good for you, and which foods you should avoid.

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DietSensor is an innovative nutritional tracking tool for chronic disease management, weight loss, and overall health and wellness.   The solution comes with a mobile app and personalized coaching that helps individuals better manage their nutrition by providing accurate and easily accessible nutritional support.  With the mobile app and coach, you can create a personalized nutrition plan comprised of meal plans and targeted macro nutrient intake goals.

DietSensor connects to both the SCiO food scanner and Bluetooth digital scale, both optional devices.  The smart scale weighs food portions and sends the information directly to your mobile application for accurate food tracking.   With the pocketsize SCiO scanner, you can scan your food for accurate carbohydrate, protein, and lipid amounts.

DietSensor offers three plans:  Basic (free), Premium, and Ultimate.  Please visit our website to learn more:

Let DietSensor help you eat smart, and stay balanced!  

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