Diet Sensor : The Tool For Nutrition Therapy In Diabetes 

Although type 2 diabetes is preventable, its prevalence and incidence are rapidly increasing in the United States and worldwide. Currently, more than 5.4% of adults worldwide have a diagnosis of diabetes, and an estimated 300 million will have diabetes by 2025. With no cure available for diabetes, primary prevention through diet and exercise is important. DietSensor helps you to maintain this nutritional therapy on daily basis. Let’s discover how. 

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Many of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes include lifestyle decisions and can be prevented, delayed, or effectively treated and minimized with an appropriate monitoring and medication coupled with a healthy diet and lifestyle.  With DietSensor, advanced carb counting will be made easier for Type 1 or Type 2 and will be user-friendly. First and foremost, please consult your doctor for a checkup or seek advice from your dietitian,  and should you be going for the DietSensor app meal counting app, undoubtedly you will enjoy a large flexibility and freedom. A very simple approach : once you’ve input the foods, the app does the heavy calculations for you by figuring out what you should have more of or cut back on, based on your health profile. Some of this might seem obvious, but you’ll be surprised at the detail that can go into a healthy diet. The app will coach you toward your nutrition goals using a smart progression chart with all your main info.

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