Breaking down food myths: Stop demonizing food

Almost every day in the news you hear about a new study coming out either praising or villainizing a type of food – one day your cup of coffee is an indulgent treat and the next day it is associated with protective health benefits. This yo-yoing can cause confusion and may lead you to unnecessarily demonize foods and the nutrients in them.

How to Avoid Diabetic Complications

Long term diabetic complications are the result of one or more parts of your body becoming damaged as a result of diabetes.
Long term complications need not be inevitable and research indicates that it is possible to minimise complications or avoid or prevent them altogether.

The alarming surge in diabetes, in one world map

Around the world, the number of people living with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980, and most of the burden of the disease is concentrated in poorer countries. What’s wrong? Why do more and more people become diabetic?

Whole Health Source: By 2606, the US Diet will be 100 Percent Sugar

The US diet has changed dramatically in the last 200 years. Many of these changes stem from a single factor: the industrialization and commercialization of the American food system. We’ve outsourced most of our food preparation, placing it into the hands of professionals whose interests aren’t always well aligned with ours.